『My Child's Opponents Cheat』英国ローンテニス協会(British Lawn Tennis Association:LTA)は、ジュニアテニス大会でのラインコール(ポイントの決め方)についての注意事項をホームページで紹介しています。
日本でのジュニアテニス大会でも大会オーガナイザーが出している同じような注意事項がありますが、英国テニス協会のアドバイスは『My Child's Opponents Cheat(相手のジュニアプレイヤーがずるをする)』というのタイトルが物語るように、最初に保護者に向けての注意が記してあります。
英国テニス協会のホームページ |
Advice to Parents 保護者へのアドバイス
During a match 試合中
Remember, one bad call, in your eyes, does not constitute cheating - anyone can make a mistake, especially in the heat of a match. However, if you see a pattern appearing you should contact the referee immediately and express your concern. Unfortunately, there’s not an awful lot else you can do. It is something that all players have to learn how to deal with and the best way to learn is probably to fight it for themselves.
熱戦した試合中での間違いは誰にでもあることです。1回のコールの間違いで対戦相手がごまかしていると決めつけないこと。もし、疑わしいコールのパターンが見えた時はすぐにレフェリーに相談してください。 残念ながら、間違ったコールついて保護者はできることは、これ以上はあまりありません。ジュニアプレイヤーが自分たちでどのように対処するかを学んでいくしかありません。プレイヤーが自分の為に戦っていくことが最良な学び方でしょう。
After a match 試合後
Immediately after the match is not the time to discuss what your child could or should have done. Support, understanding and a shoulder to cry on are the main things your child needs right then. Leave the discussion and the advice until later when things have settled down. The thing that will amaze you is how quickly they get over it.
Advice to Players 選手へのアドバイス
Calling your lines 自分側のラインコールの際
• Be firm but fair: If you are sure that the ball was out then call it out – immediately and firmly.
• If you are unsure about whether the ball was in or out then play on or if the rally has stopped play a let.
• Your opponent is allowed to challenge your calls. If they do and you are sure that your call was correct then stick to your call. You are under no obligation to play a let.
• Your opponent is allowed to call the referee if they are unhappy about your calls. The referee will come onto the court and ask you where the ball landed and if you are sure about your call. Assuming you are, then stick to your call and the referee should rule in your favour.
Calling the score スコアのコール
• After each point make sure you call the score out clearly.
• If your opponent calls the score and you do not agree – do not play on. Discuss the score with them and if you can not agree by counting back then call the referee.
Your opponent’s line calls 相手側のラインコール
• Your opponent is usually in the best position to call their lines. In most situations you should trust their call even if you are not sure yourself.
• You do have the right to challenge their call by asking, ‘Are you sure?' If they reply ‘yes' then you have to accept the call.
• If you are continually unhappy about your opponent’s line calling you have the right to call the referee. The referee will not change calls that have already been made, but they will usually stay and watch to make sure that the lines are being called fairly.
• Remember bad line calls very rarely decide matches. But how a player reacts to a bad line call can often decide a match. If you feel that you have been the victim of a bad line call then make sure that it only costs you one point by re-focusing immediately and getting on with the next point.
Calling lines on clay クレイコートでラインコール
• On clay, the marks left by the ball can be used to judge line calls.
• If a line call is in question then the player should draw a semi-circle around the mark that the ball left so that it can be examined.
• If a player removes a mark then it is assumed that the ball was in.
参照:英国ローンテニス協会 British Lawn Tennis Association
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